Self-driving cars. We know the techs not fully there yet, but Google have gotten the go-ahead for their self driving cars none-the-less. And it’s Google. They know what they’re doing. Right?

Whatever the readiness, there’s no denying that there’s something sexy about being able to finish that episode of Game Of Thrones during your commute to work.

Google’s new buggy is small, has only two seats and is about 3/4 the size of a regular hatch, and more impressively, Google has built them from the ground up. No more Priuses or Lexus SUVs, Google is now a car manufacturer.

They dertainly don’t look very good, but they’re not supposed to.  Rumours have been circling that the cars will be used to provide a service akin to Uber, rather than being able to buy one for yourself.


Since the cars are only in the testing phase, they will need a human driver inside at all times. But, as an indication of their plans, the steering wheel is removable and the brake and accelerator have been attached on specifically for the test cars.

The cars will still run autonomously, but the driver is inside just to make sure no malfunctions happen. All the data gathered from Google’s fleet is being programmed into the buggies, so we doubt anything will happen.

Google currently claims that every accident their fleet has been involved in has been due to human error, so we imagine countries will soon be falling over themselves to give the Google Buggy the go ahead soon. And when asked why would anyone get into a car without a steering wheel, Google is insisting that these new Buggies will surely reduce accidents, cut down traffic congestion, help those with mobility problems and offer many more adaptations.

After you Google.