Intel is celebrating #OneWebDay 2012

Intel – OneWebDay

What is #OneWebDay? As the creator Susan Crawford explains, “It’s Earth day for the internet”.

It’s an unashamed and open-minded celebration of the internet, and also an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining the open-networking principles that have made the internet what it is today.

Look back over the past few years and think about what an open internet has done for the earth. Anonymous, #OccupyWallStreet, the Arab Spring. None of this would have been possible if not for the freedom we enjoy on the internet.

This year’s event is centered on local content. As more and more Africans gain access to the internet each day, it’s our duty as seasoned citizens of the already established web to show them the way and the importance of locally produced content in building a connected society.

Mr Markus Kummer from the Internet Society commented on a joint report of the Internet Society, UNESCO, and the OECD – The Relationship Between Local Content, Internet Development, and Access Prices – “This study confirms the strong relationship between local content and Internet infrastructure. Keeping the traffic local and building up local content is key for improving access to the Internet. As the volume of local content increases around the world, the Internet becomes more relevant and has a greater impact on improving the lives of local communities.”

In celebration, Intel is giving away Ultrabooks in Spain, Russia, South Africa and Germany. Believe it or not, these users were chosen as some of the most highly engaged and active online ones in the world. #ProudlySouthAfrican

And so, Intel’s rewarding us and our love of the internet by giving away Ultrabook’s, one of the best ways to experience the web.

Join the debate on Twitter right now with the #OneWebDay and watch the reactions of the lucky winners.

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