Kuka Robotics have created the world’s fastest robot. And as a well-thought out marketing ploy to launch the machine to the world, they thought they’d challenge the world’s best table tennis player to a match.

It all happened last night, and the good news is, our place at the top of the food chain is secure. For now.

The “KR Agilus” robot lost by 11 points to 9 after racking up a commanding lead in the beginning. It didn’t take long however for ping pong master Timo Boll to start exploiting the holes in the robots game, namely the fact that it only had a very specific measurable reach. Put it beyond the reach, and you win.

Not surprisingly, the match was not very well attended by spectators. Reasons given: “We were watching the Oscar Pistorious trial”, “There’s a revolution going on in Venezuela, man” and my favourite “I was trying to close a sale on my property in Crimea”.

Kuka Robotics comment “Not the best at table tennis. But probably the best at robotics”.

Way to sell yourself guys.
