Here’s a full vid featuring the man himself. 20 minutes of what’s coming from Ubuntu in 2013.

Good news for people who resent Apple fans, hate Android and can’t be bothered to try out Windows Phone 8: there is another way. Ubuntu (that’s Marc Shuttleworth’s company somewhere down the line) has announced that they too are entering the fray of the mobile OS with their Ubuntu OS for Android devices.

Now it is only for Android devices (at the moment) so you can jack your Android device to run it, and it’s not a simple skin that runs on top of Android, it’s a whole new OS. Little known fact, Android is based on Linux, so the Ubuntu OS should be even more at home than its more popular sibling.

Functionality looks amazing, taking advantage of the dead spaces off the screen to bring up your options and cycle through menues. That and some rather obvious advancements had me scratching my head wondering why Microsoft didn’t think of them for Windows 8. Take a look.

There’s no news on apps or an app store, but there will be some native apps available. Isn’t that always the story in the beginning?
